The Children's Gallery
Theodore Young Community Center
Manhattan Avenue, White Plains (Greenburgh) NY
"First Blossoms"
a debut exhibit by multimedia artist
Tanisee Nagaldinne, 12
Tanisee has always had a passion for art. Even as a toddler, brushes and palettes always caught her eye. She would draw and paint all over the walls of her grandparent’s home with a carefree spirit, which is how she found her joy for art. Tanisee has been inspired by multiple paintings, places and people. Her favorite artists are Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock. Her favorite medium is acrylic. She has won multiple prizes and awards for her works. Tanisee was born in California and has lived in India and Singapore. She is currently a seventh grader at Edgemont Jr./Sr. High School, NY.

Free spirit


In the Wild

Silent Night

Straight ahead