Greenburgh Arts And Culture

         "We celebrate the creative arts!"

Sarah Bracey White, Executive Director. Advisory Board: Linda Beres, Gwen Cort, Margaret Fox, Anne Gordon and Carolyn McNair


                             The Brenda Connor-Bey 

                   "Learning to See" Legacy Series  

                          Location & Registration Contact 

Greenburgh Public Library - GPL                                   

300 Tarrytown Road, Elmsford, NY                                                                       

Telephone – 721-8225                                                                                                          

The Brenda Connor-Bey Learning to See™ Legacy Workshop Series focuses on ekphrastic creative writing and explorations of all art forms as well as other ways to "see" in each of the three-session (two-hours each) workshops. [Ekphrasis = description, in Greek. An Ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene, or more commonly, a work of art.] The workshops are funded by the Friends of the Greenburgh Library and the Greenburgh Arts and Culture Committee. Workshops are free and open to the public. Beginners as well as established poets are welcomed.

Students enroll for three-session workshops of two hours each. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend all three sessions. After pre-registration class limit is reached, a Wait-list will be formed. Wait-listed students will be contacted as spaces become available. Sessions will run monthly.

To Register: Go to 

Next series begins December 3, 2024, with Golda Solom and guest poet.